My last paper was on october 10. so the next day me and shamsul and raina went to UiTM Perak to bring raina's sister home. Her sister is studying there and since the semester break is already began she needed to bring her stuffs home and bigger car is needed so i decided to follow. naik kereta saya tapi the toll and fuel is all theirs :D
Most student who was from uitm perak is aware that the campus is becoming bigger as more and more building has been developed (poor us, kitorang blah je macam-macam benda baru dia buat. haha!) and that is another reason why i want to follow them, to go there and see the development. what's new? what changes has been made? what did i miss since my last visit there?
well, there is a development. lots of new building has been build (err) and the best part is, the new buildings are far far better designed, better look, better appearance than the existing buildings that has been there during my time. urgh, dammit. why is this happening?? grr! jeles! haha. i've taken some picture. see for yourself
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Pusat Islam Baru

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Wait wait, there's more! haha.
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Wait wait, there's more! haha.
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(soon to be faculty of Business and Office Management)
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Best kan? rasa macam nak study sana balik je. avoiding all the serabutness of uitm shah alam hahaha ~.~ anyway, i am happy to see the development that has been made to uitm perak. the improvement has made me, no, not just me but surely all students that was from there proud. we are proud that we was once a student of uitm perak, kampus yg cantekk! haha. hope to see more and more development in years to come. looking foward to come back and pay a visit there in the future :D
till then ;)
building depan fakulti akaun tu dah siap kee??? xde gambar? :)
oohhh ada! gambar bangunan akademik tu lah. tapi tu view dari belakang. dari depan tak dapat amek sebab tgh drive. hee :p
btw azween, u look familiar o.o
eh hello. Gotcha!
puas cari u since last week. so there u are..
hamik..i jmpe ur segale!..
u la photographer tu yek.
Fery...Hani...adik hani.. sure u know them kan?
so, introducing of them y akan jadi makanan lensa camera u 5/12 nanti..;P
so.. uitm student ya? owh sygnye i da abes hihi.. yup u ryte uitm s.a is sooo serabutness.. dlu time i pn dah sgt2 mcm hape.. la ni sure lg semak kn kn.. haish~
jmpe u nanti yah..
ambil gmbar chantek2 oke..;P
Salam Ukhwah..^_^/
uitm perak suda maju la wai!
bgnan depan akaun tu lawa siot
and downtown dah mcm rnr
zaman kita dulu sumpah kesian
eh, familiar ke?
pernah terserempak kat uptown kot :)
trimas folo :))
Myzatul: ohh yeke. terkezut i ingatkan sapo la ni. hahaha. yup s.alam mmg serabut! parking je dah mcm2 hal. haih -.- okie dokie! insyallah. jumpa nanti! :)
azween: dah boleh lawan utp dah ni
kalau tak dulu mcm sekolah je rasa
skarang ni semua dah lawa
untung diorg ni skarang..ish!
uptown? kenapa tak tego! hahaha :p
anyway, nice to meet u ween. haha!
eyh jumpa budak uitm kt sini =) uhm nice view of uitm perak!tp dsi gan pi baru agak keras ckit..hoho
OHH. ini budak UiTM :)
yes yes! promote fakulti juga.
ye! saya budak UiTM. Kini di Shah Alam. hehehe. promote sikit-sikit jee :P
alamak...nk taw sgt ape bnde tugu merah tu...hurm...hope dpt bgtaw ye bro...plez2...
so, nice... tetibe rase x sabar pulak nak rgister.. :)
haha aku ex student uitm perak.. xsmpt nk merasa PI baru, DSI baru, Downtnwn baru & semualah yg baru.. dpt merasa yg lama2 je haha tp semua tu tinggl kenangan dh
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